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This guide provides helpful information to families about communicating with the staff at Babylon Elementary School. Please read through carefully to help you find answers to any questions you may have about your child’s school experience.

From Our School:

  • Please check your child’s “take  home folder” for daily notices, information, and  newsletters.
  • All necessary and important information will be sent home and then posted on either our school web page, ParentSquare or individual teacher sites.

Attendance and Health:

  • Call Nurse Petrucci in the Health Office at 631-893-7966 to report a daily or extended absence. A doctor’s note is required for students who are absent  three or more consecutive days. An absent note is required upon a child’s return to school. If taking a vacation, please send a note prior to your  child’s time away from school.
  • Automated phone calls begin at 9:30 a.m. for any child who is noted as absent without documented
  • communication.
  • If there are changes to your child’s medical conditions, (i.e., allergies, asthma, etc.) please contact the school nurse.


  • Classroom and school aides/monitors are directly responsible for handling the safety and well-being of children during recess. If you have any questions about recess:
    • Always begin by contacting your child’s classroom teacher.
    • If not answered, contact ES principal.

You may have concerns or questions regarding your child’s emotional well-being, fitting in, orchange in personality.

  • Always begin by contacting your child’s classroom teacher.
  • If not answered, contact ES school psychologist, or school counselor
  • If not answered, contact ES principal

Classroom Issues Involving an Individual Child (classroom procedures, behavior, grades, schedule, etc.):

  • For Grades K-6:
    • Step 1 - Classroom Teacher; if not resolved…
    • Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
    • Step 3 – Office of the Asst. Supt. for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel; if not resolved…
    • Step 4 – Superintendent of Schools

Curriculum/Instruction Questions (subject matter being taught, teaching strategies, textbooks and materials used, etc.):

  • For Grades K-6:
    • Step 1 - Classroom Teacher; if not resolved…
    • Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
    • Step 3 – Office of the Asst. Supt. for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel; if not resolved…
    • Step 4 – Superintendent of Schools

Medical Concerns, K-12:

  • Step 1 - School Nurse; if not resolved…
  • Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
  • Step 3 – Office of the Asst. Supt. for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel; if not resolved…
  • Step 4 – Superintendent of Schools

Special Education Concerns For Grades K-6:

  • Step 1 - Teacher/Instructor; if not resolved…
  • Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
  • Step 3 - District Director of Special Education ; if not resolved…
  • Step 4 – Office of the Asst. Supt. for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel; if not resolved…
  • Step 5 – Superintendent of Schools

School Personnel Concerns:

  • Step 1 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
  • Step 2 – Office of the Asst. Supt. for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel; if not resolved…
  • Step 3 – Superintendent of Schools

Building Use Requests:

  • Step 1 - Facilities Office; if not resolved…
  • Step 2 - Office of the Asst. Supt. for Business; if not resolved…
  • Step 3 – Superintendent of Schools

Transportation Concerns (pickup, route problems, etc.):

  • Step 1 - Facilities Office; if not resolved…
  • Step 2 - Office of the Asst. Supt. for Business; if not resolved…
  • Step 3 – Superintendent of Schools

Other Transportation Concerns (behavior on school buses, etc.):

  • For Grades K-6:
    • Step 1 - Bus Driver; if not resolved…
    • Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
    • Step 3 - Office of the Asst. Supt. for Business; if not resolved…
    • Step 4 – Superintendent of Schools

Other After School Activities: 

  • Step 1 - Activity Advisor; if not resolved…
  • Step 2 - Building Principal; if not resolved…
  • Step 3 – Office of the Asst. Supt. for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel; if not resolved…
  • Step 4 – Superintendent of Schools

Please Note: If your issue has not been resolved after following ALL of the appropriate steps in the communication protocol, then please contact the Board of Education.

Telephone Numbers:

  • Babylon Elementary School: 631-631-893-7960
  • Nurse/Attendance Office: 631-893-7966
  • Fax: 631-893-7967
  • Facilities Office/Transportation Office: 631-893-7915
  • Special Education: 631-893-7941
  • Technology Department: 631-893-7983
  • Asst. Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel: 631-893-7924
  • Asst. Superintendent for Business: 631-893-7914
  • Superintendent of Schools: 631-893-7925