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Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival to School

School doors open at 8:40 a.m.


Walkers and Daily Drop Off:

  • Families dropping students off to school should use the Main Circle off of Ralph Ave.
  • Security will be on hand each day to direct traffic to specific locations along the curb.
  • Our traditional valet service will be available so children will have help getting out of their cars each morning.
  • Staff will be on hand outside to assist with entry into the building.

Entering the Building:

  • Walkers will enter the building through the main entrance. If you plan on walking your child to the main entrance, please park on the street first in order to prevent any traffic congestion.  


Bus Riders:

  • If your child is eligible for busing, a bus tag was included in the summer mailing. The bus tag includes your child’s bus color. Information about the designated bus stop and approximate morning pick-up time can be found on our Parent Portal. Please arrive at your child’s bus stop 10 minutes prior to your scheduled pick-up time. The enclosed bus tag should be attached to your child’s backpack in a visible location prior to the first day of school.
  • Kindergarten students will be seated closest to the front of the bus, followed by first graders, and then second graders.
  • Older siblings will be permitted to sit with their younger siblings nearer to the front of the bus.
  • Students should remember to always be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible while riding on the school bus.
  • When disembarking from the bus, students will be greeted by a staff member who will direct them into our gym doors.

Dismissal from School


Dismissal doors open and buses roll at 3:00 p.m.

Walker & Daily Pick Up Dismissal:

  • The Main Circle is closed during dismissal so please park along Ralph Avenue.
  • Pick up each day will occur in the front of the school building from specific grade-level doors. Our kindergarten, first, and second grade doors will have support staff assigned to assist with the dismissal process. 
  • Government-issued identification is required to pick up students from BES. Please come prepared with ID each day.
  • At your turn, approach the door, state the name of the child you intend to pick up, present ID to the staff member assigned to verify pick up, and your child will be brought out to you.
  • If you have children in multiple grade levels, your children will be dismissed at the youngest child's door.
  • Once dismissed, families must depart school premises promptly. Gatherings are not permitted.

Bus Dismissal:

  • Students are lined up according to bus color at the end of each day and are escorted to their buses by school staff.
  • Kindergarten students sit closest to the driver, followed by first grade, and then second grade.
  • Older siblings will be permitted to sit with their younger siblings near the front of the bus.
  • Students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade require a parent or the parent’s designee to meet them at the bus stop in the afternoon.
  • Please complete a Transportation Release Form to designate individuals who will be permitted to pick up your child from the bus stop. Return this form with your child on the first day of school.
  • Students who are not met by authorized individuals at the bus stops will be brought back to Babylon Elementary School.

Change in Dismissal Plan:

Please make sure that your child's teacher is aware of his or her dismissal plan. Our transportation office has distributed bus passes but if your child is not going to ride the bus and will be picked up by a parent or guardian, we ask that you call the main office at 631-893-7960.